List of daedric artifacts in skyrim
List of daedric artifacts in skyrim

list of daedric artifacts in skyrim

The Whispering Door A Daedra's Best Friend You can scroll down this page of the guide to find all the quests in section or use the links below to jump to the specific quest you are interested in.

list of daedric artifacts in skyrim

So without further comment here are the remaining quests for you to complete! You should have already completed A Night to Remember and Darkness Returns so they are not included in this section - A Night to Remember will be in the Miscellaneous and Side Quests Section, and Darkness Returns was covered under the Thief Faction Section (Darkness Returns does not count for the total of 15 Artifacts for the purposes of this Achievement).

list of daedric artifacts in skyrim

The Daedric Artifact Quests are a series of quests - some story related most not - that include an artifact in them that you can collect and by doing so (as long as you do not miss any) you will unlock an Achievement that is associated with them - "Oblivion Walker" (30 GS).

List of daedric artifacts in skyrim